Advisory Practice Board of Exchange FAQs


General FAQ's


Does it cost anything for buyers and sellers to use APBOE?

Data Security

Will the information that I upload to APBOE be secure?

Lenders and Financing

How do I get financing via APBOE?

How many lenders are available via APBOE?


How is the APBOE Index calculated?


How can I contact APBOE?

Buyer FAQ's

Practice Information Confidentiality

Can other buyers on APBOE see My Practice Profile?

Should I use my practice name as my APBOE display name?

Buyer and Seller Communication

How do I communicate to a seller that I am interested in their listing?

What does it mean to bookmark a practice?

Multiple Listings

Can I list my practice on other sites?

Successful Practice Acquisition

How can I increase my chances of acquiring a practice?

How is my PurchasingPower score utilized?

Why does APBOE verify PurchasingPower scores?

My PurchasingPower score is not in the top 100. Does that mean I will never be in the final round to purchase another practice?

How do my model investment portfolios impact my score?

Why does having an account open at a bank that funds advisory loans increase my score?

After I have received a Verified PurchasingPower score, how can I increase my score?

Can I hide My Practice Profile?

Can I delete my profile?

Seller FAQ's

Practice Listings

How do I list my practice for sale on APBOE?


How much does it cost to be a listed seller on APBOE?

M&A Consultant Representation

Why are APBOE sellers required to be represented by an M&A firm?

APBOE Seller Services

What is the Seller Bank Financing Analysis?